Feli's Blog

A place for smiles

Archive for Mihai

Consciously happy

As you may have read here, the previous posts were all part of a little experiment. I wanted to see if I can keep a record of happy everyday moments. The conclusions were:

  • if you don’t have a happy moment, focus on the good side of a bad moment
  • you can definitely find at least one event per day that can brighten it up for you
  • happy moments are not necessarily unique (I can enjoy nature almost every day) but they maintain their effect
  • my happy moment can sometimes be your happy moment

We all have good days and bad days. The point is to try to always remember the good, the happy and the beautiful 🙂

Also, I realised that the less time I spend online, the more I spend going out, having fun with my boyfriend and/or with friends, learning how to dance, learning Aikido, going rollerblading etc.I recommend everyone not to forget about their real life.

In the future I will only be posting 2-3 times per week. There’s a fine line between a blog and a daily journal and I don’t think I want you people to know what I ate last night/morning :P. Hopefully more meaning will be added to my next posts.

Thank you for encouraging me to continue, friends!

Day 81

My boyfriend told me we’re soon to have 10 months together. I’m happy that he remembers the date. 😛 🙂

Time flies when you’re having fun.

Day 55

Things that made me smile on Tuesday:

  • finishing a big project at work
  • learning how to stop on rollerblades
  • having a helpful and energetic boyfriend 🙂

Day 34

My God! I ache all over. But it’s a good ache. I know that all my body parts are still there 🙂

My sensei, Radu Nita, updated the site with a couple of short movies on some techniques taught to us by Sensei George Ilie. (You can see the back of my head too, haha). I’m the one with the poneytail 😛

Here are some glimpses of what I’m trying to learn at Aikido class:

Training Sessions – Yoshinkan Aikido

For the english readers I apologize. The training is in Romanian, but you can try to watch the movement and it’s still interesting 🙂

Later Edit:  the one with the spectacular flying through the air, in the fourth movie is my boyfriend, Mihai 😀 How’s that for luck 🙂 I have so much to learn from him